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(act of opening)

  • 1 opening

    opening [ˈəʊpnɪŋ]
    1. noun
       a. ( = gap) ouverture f ; (in wall) brèche f ; [of door, window] embrasure f
       b. ( = beginning) [of meeting, play] ouverture f
       c. ( = act of opening) [of door, road, letter] ouverture f ; [of ceremony, exhibition] inauguration f ; (in court case) exposition f des faits ; (Cards, Chess) ouverture f
       d. ( = opportunity) occasion f ; (for work, trade) débouché m ; ( = specific job) poste m
    [ceremony, speech] inaugural ; [remark] préliminaire
    opening night (of play, show) première f
    opening shot (in battle) premier coup m de feu ; (in debate, campaign) coup m d'envoi
    * * *
    ['əʊpnɪŋ] 1.
    1) ( start) (of book, film, piece of music) début m
    2) ( official act of opening) (of exhibition, shop) ouverture f; (of play, film) première f
    3) ( gap) (in wall, garment, forest) trouée f
    4) ( opportunity) gen occasion f ( to do de faire); Commerce ( in market etc) débouché m, marché m ( for pour); ( for employment) ( in company) poste m (disponible); ( in field) possibilité f de travail
    5) Games ouverture f
    adjective [scene, move] premier/-ière (before n); [remarks, speech, statement] préliminaire; Finance [price, offer, bid] de départ; [share price] d'ouverture

    English-French dictionary > opening

  • 2 opening

    opening ['əʊpənɪŋ]
    (part, chapter) premier; (day, hours) d'ouverture; (ceremony) d'ouverture, d'inauguration; (remark) préliminaire, préalable;
    Theatre the opening lines les premières lignes;
    the play's opening scene la première scène de la pièce
    2 noun
    (a) (act of opening) ouverture f;
    the opening of a new supermarket l'ouverture f d'un nouveau supermarché;
    at the play's New York opening lors de la première de la pièce à New York;
    the opening of negotiations has been postponed l'ouverture f des négociations a été ajournée;
    the opening of Parliament l'ouverture f du Parlement
    (b) (gap, hole, entrance) ouverture f;
    we came to an opening in the fence nous avons trouvé un passage ou une ouverture dans la clôture;
    an opening in the clouds une trouée ou une percée dans les nuages;
    the opening to the mine l'entrée f de la mine
    (c) American (in forest) clairière f
    (d) (start, first part) ouverture f, début m; Law (speech by lawyer) exposition f des faits;
    the opening of the film is in black and white le début du film est en ou les premières scènes du film sont en noir et blanc
    (e) (opportunity → gen) occasion f; (→ for employment) débouché m; Marketing (→ in market) débouché m, ouverture f;
    we have exploited an opening in the market nous avons exploité une ouverture sur le marché;
    her remarks about the company gave me the opening I needed ses observations au sujet de l'entreprise m'ont fourni le prétexte dont j'avais besoin;
    there are lots of good openings in industry l'industrie offre de nombreux débouchés intéressants;
    there's an opening with Smith & Co il y a un poste vacant chez Smith & Co
    ►► Accountancy opening balance solde m d'ouverture;
    Accountancy opening balance sheet bilan m d'ouverture;
    opening batsman (in cricket) premier batteur m;
    Cards opening bid annonce f d'entrée ou d'indication;
    opening bracket parenthèse f ouvrante;
    Stock Exchange opening day jour m d'ouverture;
    Accountancy opening entry écriture f d'ouverture;
    Commerce opening hours heures fpl d'ouverture;
    Chess opening gambit gambit m; figurative premier pas m;
    Stock Exchange opening price (at start of trading) cours m d'ouverture, premier cours m; (of new shares) cours m d'introduction;
    opening quotation marks guillemets mpl ouvrants;
    Finance opening session séance f d'ouverture;
    Finance opening stock stock m initial ou d'ouverture;
    Theatre opening night première f;
    Computing opening tag balise f de début;
    Commerce opening time heure f d'ouverture

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > opening

  • 3 Opening

    Act of opening: P. ἄνοιξις, ἡ.
    Hole: Ar. and P. τρῆμα, τό.
    Chasm: P. and V. χάσμα, τό.
    Mouth, entrance: P. and V. στόμα, τό, στόμιον, τό, εἴσοδος, ἡ.
    Opportunity: P. and V. καιρός, ὁ.
    If an opening is allowed: P. and V. εἰ παρείκει.
    Opening for: P. and V. φορμή, ἡ (gen.).
    Beginning: P. and V. ἀρχή, ἡ.
    Prelude: P. and V. προοίμιον, τό, V. φροίμιον, τό.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Opening

  • 4 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) abertura, brecha
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; (also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) comienzo
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) apertura, inauguración
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) oportunidad
    opening n abertura
    2 (beginning, first part) apertura, comienzo; (in chess) apertura
    3 (first night) estreno
    4 (process of opening, unfolding) apertura
    5 (hole) abertura; (space) hueco; (gap) brecha; (clearing) claro
    6 (chance) oportunidad nombre femenino ( for, para)
    7 (vacancy) vacante nombre femenino ( for, para)
    1 (initial) inicial
    opening hours (of shop) horario comercial 2 (of office) horario de atención al público
    opening night noche nombre femenino de estreno
    opening scene primera escena
    opening speech discurso inaugural
    opening time SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL hora de apertura de los pubs
    opening ['o:pənɪŋ] n
    1) beginning: comienzo m, principio m, apertura f
    2) aperture: abertura f, brecha f, claro m (en el bosque)
    3) opportunity: oportunidad f
    opening (Play, movie)
    estreno (Obra, película) (ESP) s.m.
    abridor adj.
    de apertura adj.
    inaugural adj.
    abertura s.f.
    apertura s.f.
    brecha s.f.
    desembocadura s.f.
    hueco s.m.
    oportunidad s.f.
    portillo s.m.
    rotura s.f.
    vacante s.m.

    I 'əʊpṇɪŋ
    1) c (in hedge, fence) abertura f
    a) u c (beginning, initial stage) apertura f, comienzo m
    b) c ( Games) apertura f
    3) c u (of exhibition, building) inauguración f; (Cin, Theat) estreno m

    the opening of Parliament — la apertura del Parlamento; (before n) < ceremony> inaugural, de inauguración; < speech> inaugural

    opening nightnoche f del estreno

    hours of opening — ( of shop) horario m comercial; (of bank, office) horario m de atención al público

    late opening till 8pm on Thursdays — los jueves abierto hasta las 8; (before n)

    opening time — (BrE) hora en que se abren los pubs

    5) c
    a) ( favorable opportunity) oportunidad f
    b) ( job vacancy) oportunidad f, vacante f

    adjective < remarks> inicial; <move/gambit> de apertura or salida
    ADJ [remark] primer(o); [ceremony, speech] de apertura, inaugural; [price] inicial
    2. N
    1) (=gap) abertura f ; (in wall) brecha f, agujero m ; (in clouds, trees) claro m
    2) (=beginning) comienzo m, principio m ; (Cards, Chess) apertura f ; (=first showing) (Theat) estreno m ; [of exhibition] inauguración f ; [of parliament] apertura f
    3) (=chance) oportunidad f ; (=post) puesto m vacante, vacante f

    to give one's opponent an openingdar una oportunidad or (LAm) darle chance al adversario


    opening act N(at concert, event) telonero(-a) m / f

    opening arguments NPL(US) alegaciones fpl iniciales

    opening balance Nsaldo m inicial, saldo m de apertura

    opening batsman N — (Cricket) primer bateador m

    opening batswoman N — (Cricket) primera bateadora f

    opening bowler N — (Cricket) primer(a) lanzador(a) m / f

    opening gambit N(=opening tactic) táctica f inicial; (=conversational opener) táctica f para entablar conversación

    opening hours NPLhoras fpl de abrir

    opening night N — (Theat) noche f de estreno; [of club etc] inauguración f

    opening price Ncotización f de apertura

    opening stock Nexistencias fpl iniciales

    opening time Nhora f de apertura

    * * *

    I ['əʊpṇɪŋ]
    1) c (in hedge, fence) abertura f
    a) u c (beginning, initial stage) apertura f, comienzo m
    b) c ( Games) apertura f
    3) c u (of exhibition, building) inauguración f; (Cin, Theat) estreno m

    the opening of Parliament — la apertura del Parlamento; (before n) < ceremony> inaugural, de inauguración; < speech> inaugural

    opening nightnoche f del estreno

    hours of opening — ( of shop) horario m comercial; (of bank, office) horario m de atención al público

    late opening till 8pm on Thursdays — los jueves abierto hasta las 8; (before n)

    opening time — (BrE) hora en que se abren los pubs

    5) c
    a) ( favorable opportunity) oportunidad f
    b) ( job vacancy) oportunidad f, vacante f

    adjective < remarks> inicial; <move/gambit> de apertura or salida

    English-spanish dictionary > opening

  • 5 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) åbning
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) indledning; indlednings-
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) åbning
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) mulighed
    * * *
    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) åbning
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) indledning; indlednings-
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) åbning
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) mulighed

    English-Danish dictionary > opening

  • 6 opening

    1. noun
    1) Öffnen, das; (becoming open) Sichöffnen, das; (of crack, gap, etc.) Entstehen, das; (of exhibition, new centre) Eröffnen, das

    hours or times of opening — Öffnungszeiten

    2) (establishment, inauguration, ceremony) Eröffnung, die

    opening of Parliament — Parlamentseröffnung, die

    3) (initial part) Anfang, der
    4) (gap, aperture) Öffnung, die
    5) (opportunity) Möglichkeit, die; (vacancy) freie od. offene Stelle

    give somebody an opening into something[Person:] jemandem den Einstieg in etwas (Akk.) ermöglichen; [Job:] für jemanden ein Einstieg in etwas (Akk.) sein

    2. adjective

    the opening lines(of play, poem, etc.) die ersten Zeilen

    opening night (Theatre) Premiere, die

    opening move (Chess) Eröffnung, die

    * * *
    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) die Öffnung
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) der Anfang, eröffnend
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) das Öffnen, die Eröffnung
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) die Gelegenheit
    * * *
    [ˈəʊpənɪŋ, AM ˈoʊ-]
    I. n
    1. no pl (action) Öffnen nt, Aufmachen nt; (of shop)
    hours of \opening Öffnungszeiten pl
    late \opening verlängerte Öffnungszeiten
    it's late \opening heute haben die Geschäfte länger geöffnet
    2. (hole) Öffnung f, Loch nt; (in a conversation) [Gesprächs]pause f; (in traffic) Lücke f; (in woods) Lichtung f
    3. (opportunity) Möglichkeit f, günstige Gelegenheit; (job) freie Stelle
    4. (vulnerable spot) Blöße f
    5. (introduction) Einführung f; of a novel Einleitung f; of a film Anfang m; of a trial [Verhandlungs]eröffnung f
    6. (inauguration) Eröffnung f
    [formal] \opening Einweihung f; of a plant Inbetriebnahme f
    the \opening of the new tunnel will take place next month der neue Tunnel wird im nächsten Monat für den Verkehr geöffnet
    \opening ceremony Eröffnungsfeierlichkeiten pl
    official \opening offizielle Eröffnung
    7. (first performance) Premiere f
    8. CHESS (first move) Eröffnung f
    II. adj attr, inv (at beginning) Anfangs-, Eröffnungs-
    who's making the \opening speech? wer wird als Erster reden?
    \opening move CHESS erster Zug a. fig
    \opening remarks einleitende Bemerkungen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Öffnung f; (in hedge, branches, clouds, wall etc also) Loch nt; (= cleft) Spalt m; (in traffic stream) Lücke f; (= forest clearing) Lichtung f; (fig in conversation) Anknüpfungspunkt m
    2) (= beginning, initial stages) Anfang m; (CHESS, CARDS) Eröffnung f
    3) (= official opening) (of exhibition, stores) Eröffnung f; (of building) Einweihung f, Eröffnung f; (of motorway) Freigabe f (für den Verkehr)
    4) (= action) (of door, mouth, bottle, letter, pub, shop etc) Öffnen nt; (of flower) Aufgehen nt; (of account) Eröffnung f; (= setting up of shop, school etc) Eröffnen nt, Aufmachen nt
    5) (= opportunity) Möglichkeit f, Chance f; (= job vacancy) (freie) Stelle

    he gave his adversary an opening —

    2. attr
    (= initial, first) erste(r, s); remarks einführend

    opening move — erster Zug; (Chess also) Eröffnungszug m

    * * *
    opening [ˈəʊpnıŋ]
    A s
    1. (das) Öffnen, Eröffnung f
    2. a) Öffnung f, Erweiterung f, Lücke f, Loch n, Bresche f, Spalt m
    b) (Fechten) Blöße f
    3. Durchfahrt f, Durchlass m
    4. auch TECH (Spann)Weite f
    5. freie Stelle
    6. US (Wald)Lichtung f
    7. fig Eröffnung f (eines Akkreditivs, eines Kontos, eines Testaments, eines Unternehmens etc):
    opening of diplomatic relations POL Aufnahme f diplomatischer Beziehungen
    8. TECH Inbetriebnahme f, auch (feierliche) Einweihung
    9. fig Erschließung f (eines neuen Marktes etc)
    10. a) Eröffnung f (des Kampfes etc; auch beim Schach), Beginn m, einleitender Teil ( auch JUR):
    opening of the stock market WIRTSCH Börsenbeginn
    b) Anrede f (im Brief)
    11. THEAT Eröffnungsvorstellung f
    12. Gelegenheit f, (WIRTSCH Absatz)Möglichkeit f ( beide:
    for für)
    B adj
    1. Öffnungs…:
    opening time is at … das Geschäft etc ist ab … geöffnet
    2. Eröffnungs…:
    opening ceremony (game, speech, etc);
    opening balance sheet WIRTSCH Eröffnungsbilanz f;
    opening gun fig (of) Startschuss m (zu), Eröffnung f (gen);
    opening night THEAT Eröffnungsvorstellung f;
    opening pace SPORT Anfangstempo n;
    opening price WIRTSCH Eröffnungskurs m
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) Öffnen, das; (becoming open) Sichöffnen, das; (of crack, gap, etc.) Entstehen, das; (of exhibition, new centre) Eröffnen, das

    hours or times of opening — Öffnungszeiten

    2) (establishment, inauguration, ceremony) Eröffnung, die

    opening of Parliament — Parlamentseröffnung, die

    3) (initial part) Anfang, der
    4) (gap, aperture) Öffnung, die
    5) (opportunity) Möglichkeit, die; (vacancy) freie od. offene Stelle

    give somebody an opening into something[Person:] jemandem den Einstieg in etwas (Akk.) ermöglichen; [Job:] für jemanden ein Einstieg in etwas (Akk.) sein

    2. adjective

    the opening lines(of play, poem, etc.) die ersten Zeilen

    opening night (Theatre) Premiere, die

    opening move (Chess) Eröffnung, die

    * * *
    (up) n.
    Erschließung f. adj.
    aufklappend adj.
    eröffnen adj.
    öffnend adj. n.
    Eröffnung f.
    offene Stelle f.
    Öffnung -en f.

    English-german dictionary > opening

  • 7 opening

    [English Word] formal opening
    [English Plural] formal openings
    [Swahili Word] mzinduko
    [Swahili Plural] mizinduko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] zindua V
    [English Word] formal opening
    [English Plural] formal openings
    [Swahili Word] mzinduo
    [Swahili Plural] mizinduo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] zindua V
    [English Word] opening
    [English Plural] openings
    [Swahili Word] funuo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] opening
    [English Plural] openings
    [Swahili Word] mdomo
    [Swahili Plural] midomo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Word] domo, kidomo N
    [English Word] opening
    [English Plural] openings
    [Swahili Word] tobo
    [Swahili Plural] matobo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] opening
    [English Plural] openings
    [Swahili Word] tobwe
    [Swahili Plural] matobwe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] opening
    [English Plural] openings
    [Swahili Word] ufa
    [Swahili Plural] nyufa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 11/10
    [English Word] opening
    [English Plural] openings
    [Swahili Word] ufunguaji
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] opening (act of)
    [Swahili Word] mfyatuko
    [Swahili Plural] mifyatuko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -fyata
    [English Word] opening (fig.)
    [English Plural] openings
    [Swahili Word] mdomo
    [Swahili Plural] midomo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Swahili Example] anauziba mdomo wa kichupa [Muk]
    [English Word] opening ceremony
    [English Plural] opening ceremonies
    [Swahili Word] zinduo
    [Swahili Plural] mazinduo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] zindua V
    [English Word] small opening
    [English Plural] small openings
    [Swahili Word] kibacha
    [Swahili Plural] vibacha
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [English Word] small opening
    [English Plural] small openings
    [Swahili Word] mwanya
    [Swahili Plural] mianya
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [English Example] The door was not closed completely. There was a small opening that enabled the detective to investigate inside.
    [Swahili Example] Mlango haukuwa umefungwa kabisa. Ulikuwapo mwanya ambao ulimwezesha mplelezi kuchungulia ndani [Ganzel Masomo 163]
    [English Word] small opening
    [English Plural] small openings
    [Swahili Word] shubaka
    [Swahili Plural] mashubaka
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Language] Arabic

    English-Swahili dictionary > opening

  • 8 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) åpning, hull, sprekk
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) begynnelse, innledning
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) åpning
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) mulighet, sjanse
    subst. \/ˈəʊp(ə)nɪŋ\/
    1) åpning, begynnelse, innledning
    2) (om teater, film e.l.) premiere
    3) åpning (også overført), hull, luke, sprekk
    4) sjanse, utsikt, mulighet
    5) ( jus) prosedyre
    6) ( sjakk) åpning
    7) vik, bukt
    8) (amer.) lysning
    opening for mulighet for, sjanse til
    adj. \/ˈəʊp(ə)nɪŋ\/
    åpnings-, innledende, innlednings-, begynnelses-
    opening batsman ( cricket) slagmann som slår først
    opening hymn inngangssalme

    English-Norwegian dictionary > opening

  • 9 opening

    I ['əʊpnɪŋ]
    1) (start) (of book, piece of music, film) inizio m
    2) (inauguration) (of shop) apertura f.; (of exhibition) apertura f., inaugurazione f.; (of play, film) prima f.
    3) (gap) (in wall) apertura f., breccia f., foro m.; (in garment) apertura f., foro m.; (in forest) radura f.
    4) (opportunity) occasione f., opportunità f.; (in market etc.) sbocco m.; (for employment) (in company) posto m. vacante; (in field) possibilità f., prospettiva f. di lavoro
    5) gioc. apertura f.
    II ['əʊpnɪŋ]
    aggettivo [scene, chapter] iniziale; [remarks, statement] preliminare, introduttivo; [ speech] d'apertura; econ. [price, offer, bid] di partenza; (on the stock exchange) [ share price] d'apertura
    * * *
    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) apertura, passaggio
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) inizio, apertura
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) apertura; l'aprirsi
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) prospettiva, opportunità
    * * *
    I ['əʊpnɪŋ]
    1) (start) (of book, piece of music, film) inizio m
    2) (inauguration) (of shop) apertura f.; (of exhibition) apertura f., inaugurazione f.; (of play, film) prima f.
    3) (gap) (in wall) apertura f., breccia f., foro m.; (in garment) apertura f., foro m.; (in forest) radura f.
    4) (opportunity) occasione f., opportunità f.; (in market etc.) sbocco m.; (for employment) (in company) posto m. vacante; (in field) possibilità f., prospettiva f. di lavoro
    5) gioc. apertura f.
    II ['əʊpnɪŋ]
    aggettivo [scene, chapter] iniziale; [remarks, statement] preliminare, introduttivo; [ speech] d'apertura; econ. [price, offer, bid] di partenza; (on the stock exchange) [ share price] d'apertura

    English-Italian dictionary > opening

  • 10 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) odprtina; jasa
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) začetek
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) otvoritev
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) možnost
    * * *
    I [óupniŋ]
    uvoden, začeten
    II [óupniŋ]
    odpiranje, odprtje; odprtina, luknja, vrzel, špranja; jasa; začetek, uvod; začetna poteza (šah); nezasedeno službeno mesto; priložnost; theatre premiera

    English-Slovenian dictionary > opening

  • 11 opening

    ['əupnɪŋ] 1. adj 2. n
    (gap, hole) otwór m; (of play, book) początek m; ( of new building) otwarcie nt; ( job) wakat m
    * * *
    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) otwór
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) początek
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) otwarcie
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) możliwość pracy

    English-Polish dictionary > opening

  • 12 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) op, gat; rjóður
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) upphaf, opnun, upphafsorð
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) opnun
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) tækifæri, möguleikar

    English-Icelandic dictionary > opening

  • 13 opening

    megüresedett állás, munkalehetőség
    * * *
    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) nyílás
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) kezdet
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) nyitás
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) álláslehetőség

    English-Hungarian dictionary > opening

  • 14 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) abertura
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) abertura
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) abertura
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) oportunidade
    * * *
    ['oupəniŋ] n 1 abertura, orifício, passagem. 2 fenda, brecha. 3 início, começo. 4 introdução. 5 inauguração. 6 vaga. 7 oportunidade. 8 clareira. 9 estréia. • adj inicial.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > opening

  • 15 opening

    adj. açılış, açış, ilk, başlangıç
    n. açılış, ağız, açış, açılma, açma, kadro açığı, eleman açığı, açık yer, açık alan, fırsat, delik, kapı
    * * *
    1. açıklık (n.) 2. açılış (n.) 3.(v.) 4. açarak (prep.)
    * * *
    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) açıklık, delik, yarık
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) başlangıç, baş taraf
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) açılış
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) fırsat

    English-Turkish dictionary > opening

  • 16 opening

    • johdanto
    • vihkiminen
    • aukikytkentä
    • avajaiset
    • avaus
    • avaaminen
    • aukko
    • avajaistilaisuus
    • ensi-ilta
    • aloitus
    • alkajaiset
    • alku
    • reikä
    • tilaisuus
    • kita
    • halkio
    • pelinavaus
    • mahdollisuus
    • suu
    • kuilu
    * * *
    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) aukko
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) alku
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) avajaistilaisuus
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) työtilaisuus

    English-Finnish dictionary > opening

  • 17 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) caurums; sprauga; izcirtums
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) sākums; ievads
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) atklāšana
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) iespējas; izredzes
    * * *
    caurums, sprauga, atvere; sākums; atklāšana; izdevība, izredzes; brīva vieta, vakance; cirsma, izcirtums; atklātne; sākuma, pirmais; atklāšanas, ievada

    English-Latvian dictionary > opening

  • 18 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) anga, landa, proskyna
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) pradžia, įžanga; įžanginis
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) atidarymas
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) galimybė gauti darbą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > opening

  • 19 opening

    adj. öppnande
    n. öppnande; öppning; arbetsmöjlighet, ledig plats; chans, tillfälle
    * * *
    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) öppning
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) inledning; inledande
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) öppnande, invigning, premiär
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) arbetstillfälle

    English-Swedish dictionary > opening

  • 20 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) otvor, paseka, mezera
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) zahájení, úvodní
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) otevření
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) volné místo
    * * *
    • volné místo
    • zahájení
    • začátek
    • otvor
    • otevírací
    • otevření

    English-Czech dictionary > opening

См. также в других словарях:

  • opening — (n.) O.E. openung act of opening (a door, mouth, etc.), disclosure, manifestation, verbal noun from prp. of OPEN (Cf. open) (v.). Meaning vacant space, hole, aperture, doorway is attested from c.1200. Meaning act of opening (a place, to the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • opening — o|pen|ing1 [ oup(ə)nıŋ ] noun *** ▸ 1 when something opens to public ▸ 2 (hole) where something opens ▸ 3 beginning ▸ 4 opportunity/job ▸ 5 act of opening something 1. ) count an occasion when a new store, public building. etc. starts working and …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • opening — I UK [ˈəʊp(ə)nɪŋ] / US [ˈoʊp(ə)nɪŋ] noun Word forms opening : singular opening plural openings *** 1) [countable] an occasion when a new shop, public building etc starts working and being available for people to use or visit grand opening (= an… …   English dictionary

  • opening — 1 noun 1 (C) a hole or space in something through which air, light, objects etc can pass: There was another opening to the cave. 2 (C) an occasion when a new business, building, road etc starts working or being used (+ of): the opening of the new …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • opening bids — The act of opening the bids received following advertisement for bids in the letting of a contract, and upon the termination of the period for receiving bids as specified in the advertisement, for the purpose of determining the most favorable bid …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Opening Doors — Desperate Housewives episode Episode no. Season 4 Episode 14 Directed by David Grossman Writt …   Wikipedia

  • Opening Day (The Twilight Zone) — Opening Day The Twilight Zone episode scene from Opening Day Episode no. Season 1 Episode 10c …   Wikipedia

  • Opening — O pen*ing, n. 1. The act or process of opening; a beginning; commencement; first appearance; as, the opening of a speech. [1913 Webster] The opening of your glory was like that of light. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. A place which is open; a breach;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Opening — steht für: Grand Opening, (Große Eröffnung), offizielle Eröffnung für den Kundenbetrieb Soft Opening (Sanfte Eröffnung), inoffizielle Eröffnung für den Kundenbetrieb Opening (Bildverarbeitung), morphologische Basis Operation in der digitalen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway — The Duke of Wellington s train and other locomotives being readied for departure from Liverpool, 15 September 1830 The opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (L M) took place on 15 September 1830 …   Wikipedia

  • Opening act — An opening act or warm up act (in British English, supporting act) is an entertainer or entertainment act that performs at a concert before the featured (or headline) entertainer. Rarely, an opening act may perform again at the end of the concert …   Wikipedia

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